Bryan M. Bond, BSc, BS, DC, MS, PhD
- Introduction
- Scope of low back pain
- Clinical practice guidelines for low back pain
- Exercise in General for Chronic Care Management
- Disuse syndrome
- Fear-avoidance cycle
- Walking speed
- Exercise for Low Back Pain
- Clinical prediction rules (CPR)
- CPR for low back pain
- Rehabilitation exercise
- Conclusion
Low/moderate EMG activation (0 – 40% MVIC) for neurological re-education |
Higher-level EMG activation (41 – 60% MVIC) for strength gain |
Low/moderate EMG activation (0 – 40% MVIC) for neurological re-education |
Higher-level EMG activation (41 – 60% MVIC) for strength gain |

Adapted from Moore et al., 2016
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